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TRAPPER MAX & MAX FREE Glue Traps- pest control services in kenya



Top Best Ways & Methods To Get Rid Of Rats?

Maximum Size and Value
Non-poisonous TRAPPER MAX and TRAPPER MAX FREE Glue Traps for mice and insects provide maximum performance and real value. This extra-large, glue-covered surface provides 29 sq. in./187 sq. cm of capture area. Combining performance with value in a glue trap, TRAPPER MAX and TRAPPER MAX FREE Glue Traps contain Bell’s exclusive glue formulation that has been vigorously tested to ensure maximum holding power for maximum capture rates. Strict standards ensure the highest quality glue every time. This versatile trap can be used many ways to capture mice or insects. Depending on the situation, use it either flat or folded into a covered trap. The easy-to-remove release paper saves time, providing the fastest, easiest system compared to other peel-off glue traps. TRAPPER MAX FREE is Bell’s hypoallergenic, scent-free glue trap, ideal for use in schools, offices and other locations where allergens and odors may be a concern.

Rodent Control Services in  Nairobi

Effective Solutions for Mice and Rats

Rodents may look small and harmless, but their presence in your home or business can lead to significant problems. Mice and rats can cause extensive damage by gnawing on walls, insulation, pipes, ductwork, and electrical wiring. Additionally, they contaminate living and working spaces with their droppings, posing health risks to your family, pets, employees, and customers. Rodents are also notorious for bringing in parasites like fleas and ticks, further complicating the situation.

Bee Control   Nairobi, Kenya

Keep Your Property Bee-Free All Summer Long

One of the most common pests people find around their properties are bees. The United States has close to 4,000 different species of bees, so it’s very likely that you’ll find a few of them buzzing around your yard, deck, and sometimes even inside your home. Bees mostly keep to themselves and go about their work and aren’t looking to bother people or pets, yet if left unchecked they can start to take over areas of your property. Bees are also not your ordinary harmless insect – when bothered, they can be quite aggressive, and their stings can cause pain and swelling, and in some cases, allergic reactions.

Bee nests contain dozens and even sometimes hundreds of bees, and if bothered, the unwitting victim can be in great danger. That’s why it’s very important to not only get a handle on your bee problem but to leave this dangerous task to trained professionals. At Arrow Termite and Pest Control Companies Kenya   we offer bee control and prevention services and can help you reclaim your property from these dangerous and painful pests.

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Arrow Termite & Pest Control kenya is affordable pest control solutions

Say Goodbye to These Creepy Critters-

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Arrow Termite & Pest Control kenya is affordable pest control solutions

No one likes spiders. Okay, some people may, but it’s safe to say that most people don’t like them. And we can probably all agree that virtually no one wants them crawling around their homes. Yet spiders are common in many homes throughout  Kenya . They come in many different kinds and sizes, yet all have many of the same features: eight legs and beady eyes. If you just cringe at the thought of spiders, you’re in luck: Arrow Termite and Pest Control Companies Kenya  is ready to rid your home of them. We are a pest control company that offers spider control services Katy. Whether you just have a few every now and then or fear that you have a major infestation, don’t hesitate to give our team a call. We understand how it feels to find a spider crawling along your ceiling or across the floor – we’ve been there. We have the best tools and techniques to give you the peace of mind you need.

What Draws Spiders To Your House?

Spiders tend to come near your house if there are pests around because those bugs make up their diet. They may also be drawn in by warmth and water that’s available. Spiders spin webs to catch their prey and are able to hide effectively, making them hard for humans or other predators around the house. You should hire an expert to seal up cracks and crevices that may serve as entry points for spiders into the home. Finally, limit outdoor lights which attract bugs—spiders will come near those lights to find their meals!

Exterminating Spiders: Get Arrow Termite and Pest Control Companies Kenya ’s Help for Successful Treatment

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Arrow Termite & Pest Control kenya is affordable pest control solutions

pest control professionals have different methods they can employ to get rid of spiders. Get in touch with  Arrow Termite and Pest Control Companies Kenya  for help coming up with a successful way of treating the spider issue at your house. Spider treatment is commonly done with pesticides that can be sprayed around the structure or applied directly to visible spiders. It may also involve installing sticky traps in areas of activity and stripping back dense foliage from adjacent houses, sheds, and fences near your home.

That Spider Could Be Dangerous

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Arrow Termite & Pest Control kenya is affordable pest control solutions

Depending on the area, some spiders may possess a venomous bite that can be harmful to people and pets. At Arrow Termite and Pest Control Companies Kenya , we understand that spiders can be a nuisance and may even present potential danger to your family. However, with spider pest control professional services from our experienced team of professionals, you don’t need to worry about any harm coming from these tiny critters. We are experts in providing fast and effective removal solutions for all types of spiders, so contact us today!


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